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Abbie is an artist who enjoys the use of geometric and unique shapes to create abstract designs, sampling funky visuals that come from pattern exploration and mark-making. Producing art through traditional methods and with a hands-on approach fuels her passion for design, allowing her to creatively explore ideas, partially through ‘happy accidents’, that are both visually appealing, innovative and experimentative. She continuously strives to create an impact with her work, aiming to leave a lasting impression on the viewer.

Mae Abbie yn artist sy’n mwynhau defnyddio siapiau geometrig ac unigryw i greu dyluniadau haniaethol, gan samplu delweddau ffynci sy’n dod o archwilio patrymau a gwneud marciau. Mae cynhyrchu celf trwy ddulliau traddodiadol a chydag agwedd ymarferol yn tanio ei hangerdd am ddylunio, gan ganiatáu iddi archwilio syniadau creadigol, yn rhannol trwy ‘ddamweiniau hapus’, sy’n ddeniadol yn weledol, yn arloesol ac yn arbrofol. Mae hi'n ymdrechu'n barhaus i greu argraff gyda'i gwaith, gan anelu at adael argraff barhaol ar y gwyliwr.



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