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Sameeksha is an international student from Mumbai who has a passion for visual storytelling and creative problem-solving. Her portfolio showcases a diverse range of projects, demonstrating a keen eye for aesthetics. She always makes sure to incorporate her passion for illustration and painting in her design projects. With a relentless pursuit of learning, this student brings a fun and creative potential to any project. She is currently doing an internship with ARAAD atelier where she has designed the company’s branding. Apart from art and design, she also plays football.

Mae Sameeksha yn fyfyrwraig ryngwladol o Mumbai sydd ag angerdd am adrodd straeon gweledol a datrys problemau’n greadigol. Mae ei phortffolio yn arddangos ystod amrywiol o brosiectau, gan ddangos llygad craff am estheteg. Mae hi bob amser yn gwneud yn siŵr ei bod yn ymgorffori ei hangerdd am ddarlunio a phaentio yn ei phrosiectau dylunio. Gyda'i hagwedd ddiflino at ddysgu, mae'r fyfyrwraig hon yn dod â photensial hwyliog a chreadigol i unrhyw brosiect. Ar hyn o bryd mae hi'n gwneud interniaeth gydag ARAAD Atelier lle mae hi wedi dylunio brandio'r cwmni. Ar wahân i gelf a dylunio, mae hi hefyd yn chwarae pêl-droed.



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