Thomas is a creative designer who is fuelled by his love for illustration and minimalism. Through a passion for brainstorming and sketching ideas, he continuously finds new ways to approach his designs and to develop the ones, with the most potential, until he is satisfied with the result. Through studying with UWTSD, he has been able to further his capabilities and understanding of design to be a more confident graphic designer. He hopes to use his understanding of graphic design to enter the field of teaching art.
Mae Thomas yn ddylunydd creadigol sy'n cael ei ysgogi gan ei gariad at ddarlunio a minimaliaeth. Trwy ei angerdd i greu a braslunio syniadau, mae'n dod o hyd i ffyrdd newydd yn barhaus o ymdrin â'i ddyluniadau ac i ddatblygu'r rhai sydd â'r potensial mwyaf, tan ei fod yn fodlon â'r canlyniad. Trwy astudio gyda'r Drindod Dewi Sant, mae wedi gallu datblygu ei alluoedd a'i ddealltwriaeth o ddylunio ymhellach i fod yn ddylunydd graffig mwy hyderus. Mae'n gobeithio defnyddio ei ddealltwriaeth o ddylunio graffig i fynd i mewn i faes addysgu celf.